Unwitting in a sentence as an adjective

This is important, because of the "Three Felonies a Day" syndrome with unwitting violations of the law.

Many of them are still out there, or have been stolen, vandalized, stripped of metal by unwitting thieves, spreading hazard all around.

The\n programme simply pours a torrent of abuse on the unwitting human at the\n other end of the internet connection.

-- News becomes the Negative Nancy to unwitting optimists, aspie or otherwise.

Akin to turning on a user's webcam and a screen capture to turn your users into unwitting usability testers.

"In most cases, the radio frequency hardware must be physically inserted by a spy, a manufacturer or an unwitting user.

OnSwipe has made my iPad browsing experience significantly more infuriating since it forced itself on scores of unwitting Wordpress blogs.

On the other hand, it's effectively impossible to unleak an inadvertently leaked apple developer signing key because an unwitting customer didn't rtfm.

That’s why the kudos feature annoys me – it falsely represents the page to be popular, but rather than just completely making up a number of kudos like a normal liar, it ties the number of kudos to the actions of unwitting page visitors.

Unwitting definitions


not done with purpose or intent; "an unintended slight"; "an unintentional pun"; "the offense was unintentional"; "an unwitting mistake may be overlooked"

See also: unintentional unplanned


not aware or knowing; "an unwitting subject in an experiment"


unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge; "he was completely ignorant of the circumstances"; "an unknowledgeable assistant"; "his rudeness was unwitting"

See also: ignorant unknowledgeable unknowing