Unplanned in a sentence as an adjective

NB: I haven't done the math to determine exactly how much heat would be put out by an unplanned EDL. If someone else could, that would be splefty.

It arises out of an unplanned, decentralized process.

What are the relative rates of rape, spousal abuse, divorce, unplanned pregnancy, etc. between adults who came from the single-sex vs. the co-ed schools?

When you do an 180 later because the initial money you got from me isn't enough to keep me running forever, it isn't something unplanned that happened to you.

My favorite spaceflight euphemism is still "rapid unplanned disassembly".

They inject so much unplanned, unexpected complexity into everything.

So to make this a little more HN-y, there exists the possibility that two users were just using software in a counterintuitive and unplanned for fashion for whatever reason makes sense to them as users.

One person's "unplanned patterns that are useful" is another's "this is a potentially dangerous hack that could lead to all manner of headaches in any non-trivial program with even just a few hundred lines of code, let alone thousands or millions.

"How hard would it be to make a GPS system that just assumed I might want to get gas or stop for a bite to eat if I took an unplanned exit off an interstate with hundreds of miles to go on my journey?I think Clippy and rude nav systems are different manifestations of the same problem.

Unplanned definitions


without apparent forethought or prompting or planning; "an unplanned economy"; "accepts an unplanned order"; "an unplanned pregnancy"; "unplanned remarks"


not done with purpose or intent; "an unintended slight"; "an unintentional pun"; "the offense was unintentional"; "an unwitting mistake may be overlooked"

See also: unintentional unwitting