Unscathed in a sentence as an adjective

All of those would leave a self sustaining Mars colony unscathed even if they caused extinction on Earth.

Just ensuring that no one can flout the law and get away unscathed would go a long way in alleviating these sorts of issues.

Only the end-of-lifed Intel 320 and its newer replacement, the S3500, survived unscathed.

If we're going to start calling for chief officers to resign because they hold views we don't agree with, I'm not sure there would be many companies left unscathed.

I didn't participate in any combat, and other than a few close-ish calls, came away relatively unscathed.

' Every building constructed according to the building codes established in 1981 was unscathed.

One might be able to fight that away in the courts, but the state of policing over the last few years leaves me feeling quite uncomfortable with the prospect of walking away unscathed.

So even though WebKit is the current "leader", it owes a lot to Mozilla for doing the hard grunt-work that allowed it to take cover behind the big lumbering dinosaur and come out unscathed on the other side.

The aim of the WTC attack was to make a very symbolic action: the goal was to destroy three symbols of American power, its military, economic, and political might, though the last ended up physically unscathed.

Technically, most bike and snowsports helmets aren't reusable after an impact either, but you can certainly wipe-out in a way that would trigger the Hovding but wouldn't cause a head-impact, thus wasting the Hovding in an accident a helmet could come through unscathed.

When the average joe on the street lives in a world where laws are almost arbitrarily vague and enable arrest and detention on a whole host of grounds - for example, relevant to this community, the hounding do death of folks like Aaron Swartz, but most communities have ehtir own examples - and where jobs are being lost and real hardship is experienced by large percentages of the country... it is not surprising that when we see these huge crimes, terrible consequences on the common man from dramatic misbehavior among the wealth elites who remain largely unscathed suffering few consequences of their actions... and when we see the wealthy and connected elites absolutely immune to legal recourse - no jailtime, nothing more than slaps on wrists, on companies forced to shut up shop... is it really surprising so many people just give up?

Unscathed definitions


not injured

See also: unharmed unhurt whole