Unprogressive in a sentence as an adjective

That's a very unprogressive thing for you to say.

"I don't think UK Govt will jeopardise access to talent with unprogressive immigration reform.

I've witnessed people saying and doing very--how should I say--unprogressive things, "just" because they didn't know any better [0].

For example in the course of people saying that marriage limits their freedom, that the years of fun are over after it etc. Especially in progressive circles it seems to be frowned upon and it's regarded as boring and unprogressive if people marry early.

" We are mostly just laughing, because it's farily obvious that we are only getting these calls now, after all these years of unbelievable[1] tech returns, because SV thinks that backwards and unprogressive midwesterners like us are going to be the goats buying the top of their grand pump-n-dump scheme.

Unprogressive definitions


old-fashioned and out of date

See also: fusty nonprogressive