Unpaid in a sentence as an adjective

Please, go out and find for me a quality movie that was made by unpaid volunteers.

That would probably be okay, if you had an option to take unpaid vacation time when the time comes.

Often, the reviewers of articles -- the people who make journals worth reading at all -- are unpaid for that work.

I didn't see this on there, so let me add: There is no reason, in the year 2012, for a CS or engineering student to take an unpaid internship.

Pretty much built their infrastructure and monumental buildings with drafted, unpaid labor.

Kind of like we abolished slavery -- we can also abolish unpaid overtime and treating employees like ****.

If anyone in the HN audience is participating in an unpaid internship which I doubt, but please stop immediately.

> "those people are forum moderators and not employees of Dropbox"They're official representatives of Dropbox, even if they are unpaid.

He recently went on some kind of insane power trip, completely disregarding the needs of his customers, putting me on unpaid leave for ... reporting an incident of fraud to a bank.

Their behavior is entirely on Dropbox, and the fact that Dropbox has farmed out its customer support to unpaid amateurs is possibly a worse realization than the fact that the clueless person was not an employee.

Unpaid definitions


not paid; "unpaid wages"; "an unpaid bill"


without payment; "the soup kitchen was run primarily by unpaid helpers"; "a volunteer fire department"


engaged in as a pastime; "an amateur painter"; "gained valuable experience in amateur theatricals"; "recreational golfers"; "reading matter that is both recreational and mentally stimulating"; "unpaid extras in the documentary"

See also: amateur recreational