Unobjectionable in a sentence as an adjective

I don't know about the posts that got them hellbanned in the first place, but the dead ones here are completely unobjectionable .

At that point, just as with all these other things that most find completely unobjectionable, this won't bother anyone either.

Which seems unobjectionable enough, if you're not a mathematician; but if you are, you probably don't like playing with axioms.

Surely spoofing the user agent is unobjectionable at worst, and spoofing the MAC address perhaps only mildly discouraged?

I felt that locking down Watertown, Newton, and Cambridge was unobjectionable, but my only quibble would be that I'm not sure it made sense to shut down so much of Boston itself.

He seemed very disappointed when everyone nodded and smiled that it seemed okay, unobjectionable, even obvious.

So: if the US repealed all its antitrust laws, can I assume you would agree that any collusion formerly prohibited by them was now unobjectionable?

But the converse is also true: Some things remain legally prohibited that would otherwise be morally unobjectionable.

If Wall Street stuck to underwriting IPOs and providing business loans and other unobjectionable activities, it wouldn't raise peoples' ire.

Being "allowed" to engage only in activities chosen from a list of behaviors that have been determined to be safe and unobjectionable activities is not freedom.

I think it's pretty unobjectionable.> when people start using hostile language to describe my gender and race in broad strokes, I'm clearly in the cross-hairs for a small, vocal, and highly volatile minorityNo, you really aren't in any cross hairs.

When the terms are minor and unobjectionable then they're meaningless, because pretty much nobody is going to go through the trouble of litigation over the matter of someone lying about their age on a dating website, and what would be the remedy in that case anyway?

Tiresome repetition of individually unobjectionable signs of attraction.

Unobjectionable definitions


(of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers; "good clean fun"; "a clean joke"

See also: clean


not causing disapproval; "it was an innocuous remark"; "confined himself to innocuous generalities"; "unobjectionable behavior"

See also: innocuous


not objectionable; "the ends are unobjectionable; it's the means that one can't accept"