Volatile in a sentence as a noun

What exists is a way to name a non-volatile data set.

Startups are volatile, which is why investors like them.

The more volatile the space, the bigger the disparity is.

On non-volatile days the markets combined trade around 15M coins.

On highly volatile days like today the combined volume exceeds 120M coins.

But I wish people would see this case for what it is - a volatile activist who pulled a stunt that spiraled out of control.

Standard deviation tells you how volatile measurements are not what mean deviation is.

It basically means that the market views them as less volatile to market conditions than an index fund.

Do they form longer-lasting or more volatile relationships later in life?

Volatile in a sentence as an adjective

It's a clean order of magnitude more volatile than the stock market, which is considered a "volatile", "risky" class of asset.

It's two orders of magnitude more volatile than a legitimate currency pair like the Dollar/Euro.

Bitcoin is volatile, inherently deflationary and has no lender of last resort.

But it's a pretty well-trod path, and probably some non-trivial portion of his assets are quite stable and reliable and not terribly volatile.

I've been on the emotional rollercoaster of watching relatively large sums of money invested in a volatile asset fluctuate wildly, and I'd rather not go through that again.

And that mostly because of iOS devices and the applications which have eschewed the idea of putting the names of their non-volatile data sets into a globally accessible namespace.

Given the name, and a non-volatile memory unit, and an algorithm for translating between that name and a memory unit specific representation of its internal structure, you can retrieve the data set.

Again, this comes more in to play in volatile markets, but is straight up market manipulation.----As far as questions regarding technology to optimize SEM is concerned, Google has mostly prevented this from happening by having one of the worst API's I have ever worked with.

Volatile definitions


a volatile substance; a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor; "it was heated to evaporate the volatiles"


evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures; "volatile oils"; "volatile solvents"


liable to lead to sudden change or violence; "an explosive issue"; "a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation"

See also: explosive


marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments; "fickle friends"; "a flirt's volatile affections"

See also: fickle


tending to vary often or widely; "volatile stocks"; "volatile emotions"