Unnerve in a sentence as a verb

People feel so dismissed.”Great way to unnerve your peers!

Some jokes are supposed to elicit disgust, unnerve or provoke.

They must be very unnerved by the incident, or they are going to use it as a stepping stone to something else.

The problem is the operator is trying to unnerve you and embarrass you, specifically to fluster you.

Someone mentioned here that they would be unnerved hitting an "x" button with a lot of text - this is definitely valid, I felt the same thing when trying it out.

And it might not be so bad as to tip off everyone else that there's a problem, but it is bad enough to seriously unnerve someone, if they're unprepared.

Rapid changes unnerve people and a rapid elimination of cash could cause civil or economic unrest.

Does it unnerve anybody else that there are "Linus or nobody" sections of code, when GNU/Linux is often linked with the "open source / many eyes" security defense?

I could handle a deteriorating body, but a deteriorating mind is a horrifying thought, since the mind essentially constitutes who I am. Alzheimers and dementia unnerve me.

[...] Stiglitz deserves credit for breaking a taboo among respectable mainstream economists and finally admitting that the single currency is doomed.> This is a book, then, that will unnerve millions of British centre-Left progressives – those who backed British EU membership unquestioningly and now complain bitterly about Brexit.

People who read it come away profoundly unnerved by the idea that civilization is not something guaranteed to come into existence if we lose it and that it requires an enormous convergence of many different kinds of stimulus to create the energies needed within a race of men to bring it into being.

Money, fame and influence may be valued more as tokens of—and means to—love rather than ends in themselves.”Snobbery; Because underneath small talk amongst casual social situations underlies a constant of "sizing up" and civilized snobbery:“The company of the snobbish has the power to enrage and unnerve because we sense how little of who we are deep down—that is, how little of who we are outside of our status—will be able to govern their behaviour towards us.

Unnerve definitions


disturb the composure of

See also: faze enervate unsettle