Enervate in a sentence as a verb

Neu5Gc itself is not terribly likely to be carcinogenic, its mode of action is to enervate the immune system.

Just focus on school and your career, rather than sacrificing time, mental health, and energy on a pursuit that will enervate and confuse you.

The primary function of the university is to enervate the optimism of youth.

Not because I'm a nice guy, but because I'm realistic and know that working at a sprint pace when it's not needed is going to enervate people and leave them unable to handle a true crisis.

Sometimes, just getting up and moving to a new city/country can enervate your life by exposing you to different patterns that your subconscious can explore.

My friends and i developed a gait analyser for the paraplegics with an electrical simulator that could enervate their affected muscles.

Enervate definitions


weaken mentally or morally


disturb the composure of

See also: faze unnerve unsettle