Unjustifiable in a sentence as an adjective

This amounts to an unjustifiable waste of time.

But it focused on the author and made unjustifiable personal remarks.

So I think your "ten-foot pole" proclamation is a little unjustifiable.

The SV expectation/mentality that if someone builds something first they "own" that space is unjustifiable.

These unconventional theories are often stated with an unjustifiable certainty by people like Kurzweil and I think that's what irritates people.

I downvoted you for your dogmatic insistence on linguistic purity even in unjustifiable corner cases.

To compare it with memorizing baseball statistics is, is unjustifiable.

Which part are you objecting about, the implication that the US blindly supports Israel, or the implication that Israel's occupations are unjustifiable?

It is community that turns an animal's always-justifiable use of violence or trickery into unjustifiable "force" or "fraud.

Seriously, why are economic stimulus packages unjustifiable, but austerity is not?

Unjustifiable definitions


incapable of being justified or explained

See also: indefensible insupportable unwarrantable unwarranted