Indefensible in a sentence as an adjective

"It's quite indefensible to use a voting system that doesn't leave a literal paper trail.

Now I know that he stands for a position I view as indefensible, and I can choose to remain far away from him and the company he now leads.

I dislike all of these companies, but I'd have put it all differently:The first one, Reservation Hop, is simply indefensible because it relies on fraud.

" But with outside shareholders, whether employees or investors, such a practice is indefensible.

It certainly seems as though they are in an indefensible position, but maybe there's a good reason why they are withdrawing millions from an as-of-yet unprofitable company.

And yet the people will not apply the same indefensible yardstick to the FBI improperly investigating his mother, and instead will rally round the FBI as upstanding people just trying to do a tough job.

Asking the mainstream media not to cover something like this is completely indefensible from a security standpoint - what, terrorists only learn about security flaws from TV?.

The world has an unbelievable, enormous, tedious, completely indefensible surplus of self-promotion and marketing.

Indefensible definitions


(of theories etc) incapable of being defended or justified

See also: untenable


not able to be protected against attack


incapable of being justified or explained

See also: insupportable unjustifiable unwarrantable unwarranted