Unitary in a sentence as an adjective

This means that there are 21 quadrillion unitary elements.

Despite that, when we look at the basic equations of quantum mechanics, they are all pure unitary!

This started with Bush after 9/11 with his adherence to the theory of the strong unitary executive.

Among other things, it propagates this myth that there is some unitary standard of success to which we should all aspire.

And yet, what has he done with consolidation of power around a more unitary executive?

Alice applies a unitary operation on the qubits ac and measures the result to obtain two classical bits.

The major unexamined assumption here for me is that identity is unitary.

The short answer is that quaternions don't work for the same reason that real numbers don't work: the probabilities don't work out right for unitary transformations.

This observation can be used to answer the riddle of how unitary transformations can produce quantum randomness.

It's a unitary literal operator, so if you put +shelf you would only get pages that had the word "shelf" and not shelved, shelving, bookcase, etc like you get normally.

That's going to be difficult and awkward if he normally reports to the CEO. So while there are pros and cons to a plural versus unitary executive, at least for public companies, it makes a lot of sense to have the GC report to the board or a specific committee.

Our unitary perception of the universe is an illusion and there is enormous information loss on the way from the sensory environment to motor output.

Bob applies a unitary transformation which depends on the classical bits he obtains from Alice, transforming his qubit into an identical re-creation of the qubit c.

This result implies that if unitary consciousness exists, it cannot be modelled computationally.

I think it is fair to say that the brain enforces consistency of representations of the universe and in that way provides something that appears to be unitary, but it does so by discarding lots of information.

Patent 8,086,604, which "provides convenient access to items of information that are related to various descriptors input by a user, by means of a unitary interface which is capable of accessing information in a variety of locations, through a number of different techniques".

Unitary definitions


relating to or characterized by or aiming toward unity; "the unitary principles of nationalism"; "a unitary movement in politics"


of or pertaining to or involving the use of units; "a unitary method was applied"; "established a unitary distance on which to base subsequent calculations"


characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is held by one central authority; "a unitary as opposed to a federal form of government"


having the indivisible character of a unit; "a unitary action"; "spoke with one voice"