Unintelligent in a sentence as an adjective

[I'm not good with Haskell; I sort of like it, but it makes me feel rather unintelligent.

I can't believe this biased and unintelligent rant is being upvoted.

"I think the true message is also a better call to arms for both intelligent people and unintelligent people.

Meanwhile, let the rest of us mere mortals use PHP without making us feel inadequate or unintelligent.

" It is not quite the same as "unintelligent", and it is sufficiently well-defined that it is no longer merely an insult, either.

But these guys just seem like boring, unintelligent, run-of-the-mill idiots.

I got the impression that the author envisioned his audience as children, or unintelligent adults.

The problem with this is that if you can dumb down or break down the process of building robotic arms so that unintelligent people can do it, so can those same robots!

Then he's just tapping randomly on the screen, gibberish comes out, then turns into the word he wanted?Don't mean this to sound unintelligent, the video was just crazy.

"A ton of people I met from around the World thought Americans were overweight, materialistic and unintelligent.

Yes, we Americans are far too unintelligent to understand the subtleties of the extended length Bollywood film.

It might require an intelligent programmer to create, but as a library, can be used by regular, unintelligent programmers.

"But intelligent life is not special, even if it were uncommon, because it's governed by the same universal laws as unintelligent dead matter.

Hi internet vigilantes lets have a chat,I know this lawyer has done something we think is both morally wrong, legally dubious, and unintelligent.

* Insensitive, unintelligent, uncompassionate listeners don't -- they will have the usual number of children.

Then you may have been able to learn more about programming from a younger age, or maybe you had a computer lab in your school...On the other hand, maybe you are also assumed to be inadequate by society because of your skintone, you are automatically stereotyped to be unintelligent or a subpar developer.

Unintelligent definitions


lacking intelligence; "a dull job with lazy and unintelligent co-workers"

See also: stupid