Gibberish in a sentence as a noun

They don't "wrap" anything, so "directly" is just gibberish.

Alas, people will not pay to have gibberish transmitted anywhere.

That's the sum total of it. People where were raised metric find these apologies for imperial measures to be pure gibberish.

I spoke gibberish and if you had the misfortune of talking to me, you would probably find an excuse to get away.

In the meantime, he appears to be a homeless guy wearing a sandwich board and yelling gibberish into a bullhorn.

From a probabilistic perspective, these are still dictionary words, even though they look like gibberish.

To call these autogenerated works gibberish is an affront to those of us who hand-assembled their context-free grammars!

I attend department seminars where visiting professors present their research, and it may as well be alien gibberish.

The SciGen papers are gibberish on a much more literal level, in that their paragraphs don't actually make sense, their abstracts don't match the subject in their titles, etc.

We have taught them to always use big words like "plethora" on their essay answers, and to always fill up the whole essay page, no matter what repetitive gibberish is requires.

I struggled at times to make sense of the almost gibberish in their rant-filled sentences and at times some of the things they were saying read like the paranoid ramblings of a crystal meth addict.

The bits produced by this "key oblivious" E=3 signing operation were gibberish, of course... but the RSA implementations weren't checking them, because they were "just padding".

When Holk, after two days of steady work, succeeded in eliminating meaningless statements, vague gibberish, useless qualifications in short, all the goo and dribble he found he had nothing left.

> It doesn't get better when they start spouting complete lies - the gibberish about certain unmarked taxi-like services being exclusive to "royal families or prominent business leaders".

That they're being asked to follow those rules is hardly government bullying - in the eyes of most everyone here that definitely counts as "consumer protection".It doesn't get better when they start spouting complete lies - the gibberish about certain unmarked taxi like services being exclusive to "royal families or prominent business leaders".

Gibberish definitions


unintelligible talking

See also: gibber