Uninitiated in a sentence as an adjective

Steep learning curve, as the commands are cryptic to the uninitiated, but once you get the hang of it it's great.

This is clearly a tribute for the faithful... not the uninitiated.

But in the aggregate, they can leave us with something that is baroque, off-putting to the uninitiated, and hard to maintain.

For the uninitiated:Dota2 is a massively popular AAA game created by Valve which just came out of beta yesterday.

Just a comment about definitions for the uninitiated: the term "luxury good" is a technical term in economics.

For the uninitiated, the special thing about the Oxford English Dictionary is that it is not really a dictionary in the sense you are probably used to.

Life at Microsoft is complex, rich in context, structured, full of details that employees consider important but find it very difficult to explain to the uninitiated.

To give the uninitiated an idea of what happened, whenever a plane at the Reno races experiences a mechanical problem, the pilot points the aircraft vertical and bleeds off all their forward speed.

I like to call this cognitive compatibility - the amount of effort required from an uninitiated English-speaking observer to understand what a program does.

I don't see why one needs to refute a text to point out that polemics written by authors who eschew the use of conventional economic methodology is a less than ideal introduction to economics for the uninitiated.

Uninitiated definitions


not initiated; deficient in relevant experience; "it seemed a bizarre ceremony to uninitiated western eyes"; "he took part in the experiment as a naive subject"

See also: uninitiate naive