Uninitiate in a sentence as a noun

Maybe it seems cool for the uninitiated, but it is just a PHP clone of Rails.

A minor nit, but since it shows up so often, it doesn't look great to the uninitiated.

Please enlighten an uninitiated: what does "mo" mean in the last panel?

It sucks for the uninitiated computer user, who can't imagine what the **** "windows" are on the screen.

I understand that it might not be what it seems, but it's hard to figure out what's for real and what's just somber humor for the uninitiated.

I don't know much about Haskell in detail, so maybe that's just me, but it does suggest that this lacks some of AWK's readability for the uninitiated....

Uninitiate in a sentence as an adjective

Everything I see is from 2012 but I'd really like something from 2014 simply because I presume as an uninitiate that the platform is moving quickly.

For the uninitiated, the special thing about the Oxford English Dictionary is that it is not really a dictionary in the sense you are probably used to.

For the uninitiated: stack effect declarations are akin to function prototypes in C, only lacking type information.

I like to call this cognitive compatibility - the amount of effort required from an uninitiated English-speaking observer to understand what a program does.

" We should rest assured that our electronic communications being scooped up and stored couldn't ever possibly be used for nefarious purposes against a citizen of the US, that it isn't a gross violation of a person's right to privacy and dignity and that even the majority of the NSA are kind-hearted people looking out for America's best interests in the big, scary world full of North Korea's and Muslim radicals and that my virgin, uninitiated mind just doesn't understand.

Uninitiate definitions


people who have not been introduced to the mysteries of some field or activity; "it diverts the attention of the uninitiate"


not initiated; deficient in relevant experience; "it seemed a bizarre ceremony to uninitiated western eyes"; "he took part in the experiment as a naive subject"

See also: uninitiated naive