Unfreeze in a sentence as a verb

People backlash they unfreeze but at the end of the day they have suffered nothing except people being mad at them...

They know it's there because when they 'unfreeze' it, the light continues on its path and they can detect it then.

I had to either rotate the device or put the app into the background in order to unfreeze it.

Not as bad as Paypal with their requirement that you provide proof of SSN to unfreeze your funds that were frozen for no apparent legitimate reason.

They don't!If someone could freeze at least a small insect brain after it "learned something", unfreeze it and prove that it retained what it learned, I might have at least a grain of faith in this.

They are extremely trigger happy here and they do not work with their customers to unfreeze accounts or even get customer information for their review process.

Discussion boards have hundreds of users asking for features such as easier refunds, counterfeit protection, customer service chat, and ways to unfreeze locked accounts.

And for most people, even when that happens, once you give PayPal enough info to convince them you're not doing something shady, they'll unfreeze the account and you take payments without a problem for years after.

Children unfreeze parents; parents unfreeze grandparents; grandparents unfreeze great-grandparents.

What's the policy harm in allowing them to submit a request to unfreeze assets to pay for legal counsel, expert witnesses, etc?Do you honestly believe that proposed harm is worse for society than sham trials, where we're getting convictions simply because people can't defend themselves properly?

Unfreeze definitions


become or cause to become soft or liquid; "The sun melted the ice"; "the ice thawed"; "the ice cream melted"; "The heat melted the wax"; "The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase"; "dethaw the meat"

See also: dissolve thaw unthaw dethaw melt


make (assets) available; "release the holdings in the dictator's bank account"

See also: unblock free release