Unfinished in a sentence as an adjective

Close repos, stop working, if they ask why or ask for a copy of the unfinished work. State they'll receive it on payment.

Clearly, the reason is that he's not happy with an unfinished version of his work floating around.

The government will then not be able to read unfinished Groklaw articles. Does this resolve the issue?

And, whilst I am grateful for llambda for posting it to HN, it was never meant to be published in this unfinished state. So please bear this in mind as you come across incomplete sections.

I have 15 cameras and unfinished projects in 10 languages that demonstrate that. My advice?

If it's unfinished, if there are no APIs, if they broke a lot of the custom apps that were made for their struggling social service with their month 9 redesign, those aren't things you make excuses for. Those are things you list as negatives.

[Edit: ouch, apparently I posted this with the last sentence unfinished! Also, I don't think the posted answer suggesting C or C++ is really talking about the same thing as I am.

And there are so many ways to do it, you'll encounter unused bits, rusty corners, and unfinished experimental code paths. You'll encounter edge cases that have been known to be broken, but were worked around.

This could be an awesome game indeed, and so far I have not seen anything that hints to it being boring or repetitive--just unfinished.

There will even be the urge to start working to finish the unfinished. Nearing the end of a unproductive day, accept that the day was not productive, start on what you will work on tomorrow, do a little, and stop in the middle.

Great article, and it's cool that you came here to post it yourself, but it looks like you accidentally released an unfinished draft. Emphasis mine: "The last time this testing was done was 2006, check long before iPads and most e-readers existed."

Thus, that simple action-component of the master plan goes unfinished, and the house of cards begins to fall from there. If it is of interest, my father has had very similar if not worse issues for his whole life, as well as my mother, but not quite as bad.

Americans have led its leaders to desired outcomes before -- civil rights, for example -- but results took generations and many jobs remain unfinished. Let's hope we have the fortitude on this one.

It was not cheap, and after I received it, I had to manually edit out the remnants of an unfinished search/replace of another company's name. One more anecdote: When my service went live, I put a free t-shirt offer deep in the TOS. Only had 1 person ever try to redeem the offer.

Even for $200 the software feels unfinished and nowhere near as responsive or intelligently designed as iOS. The lack of hardware volume controls and placement of the on/off switch are the killing blows. This isn't buying a Honda and expecting a BMW-class experience.

Most people fail, most projects go unfinished, most beyond that never make enough money to sustain a company. A successful product is the evolutionary result of 10,000 products before it that failed, went unfinished, or were unprofitable.

He went to XYZ school of management, where he learned that a business is an organization that takes in raw materials and creates something more valuable than the sum of the unfinished parts. He learned how to raise money by selling his business idea to other people who think like him.

First things first: it's an unfinished work in progress and an experiment on which I've been hacking during my 40 minute train journey in to work. So, yes, "something something - Kademlia-like crypto-signed homoiconic datastore - something" just about sums it up.

While certainly everyone is entitled to do disclosure however they see fit, it comes off kinda jerky to drop a working POC on the community just to advertise your unfinished competition.

Working as a tradesman has so far proven to be far more satisfying and far better for my health - plus it leaves me free to work on my own projects after hours rather than forcing me to leave them unfinished since I already spent a full day working inside.

Unfinished definitions


not brought to the desired final state


not brought to an end or conclusion; "unfinished business"; "the building is still unfinished"


lacking a surface finish such as paint; "bare wood"; "unfinished furniture"

See also: bare