Unfermented in a sentence as an adjective

Has there been a study that compared wine, unfermented wine, dealcoholized wine, grape juice, and grape juice + ethanol?

Does anyone actually make chocolates from the raw, unfermented beans?

Some versions of Protestantism in fact use grape juice for communion under the argument that the wine that Jesus was said to have made was "new wine" and thus unfermented.

GP already listed it as a separate entity:..., unfermented wine, dealcoholized wine, grape juice, ...so, it is not.>> ... wondering something else is added to grapes to make it pre-wine?I am really asking, because I don't know, and like you, would like to find out: what is this process that would "unferment" wine.

Unfermented definitions


not soured or preserved; "sweet milk"

See also: fresh sweet