Unevenness in a sentence as a noun

"Surely you can see the moon's unevenness with the naked eye?

Just know that across so many books, there's bound to be some unevenness.

Even worse is the ugly unevenness in colour for solid grey or red.

So objectively, men have a lot more power than women in society, so it's not just "unevenness" but "unfairness".

The rippling looks to me similar to the rippling and unevenness of the SR-71, which wasn't smooth because a smooth surface would be less stable at speed.

This ties in to what pg said in his essay about "nerds", and I imagine it has a lot to do with the unevenness of the CS demographic.

I'm talking about the overall trend, and acknowledged its unevenness.

More importantly, the unevenness of the data and of performance has really held back broader adoption -- if they're smart they may be able to bring over many of the holdouts.

In attempting to point out the unevenness of America's extradition requests, he inadvertently puts him in the same "moral high ground" as the terrorists, which doesn't help.

When confronted with existing code, they can see all of the unevenness of the terrain, the special cases that needed to be shoe-horned because the original architecture didn't allow for them.

The idea is that the incredibly fast inflation immediately following the big bang smeared out the mass and energy of the universe very thinly, so that any unevenness got flattened out.

This is important, because a uniform probability density wouldn't enable factoring out to make the total shorter - you need some regularity/redundancy for that, which requires some unevenness.

"Other important biophysical changes alter the amount of water that evaporates or transpires from plants and the soil, the roughness or unevenness of the plant canopy, and ultimately the extent of convective clouds and rainfall.

The apex fallacy does not get any less ridiculous through repetition.>So objectively, men have a lot more power than women in society, so it's not just "unevenness" but "unfairness".That would only be true if the tiny minority of people in power were using that power to manipulate things to the benefit of men.

“It was just a conversation,” he said, then explained that, although he’d said nothing about cross guards, he had made a case for unevenness: “I thought it would be interesting if it were less precise, and just a little bit more spitty.” A redesigned weapon could be “more analog and more primitive, and I think, in that way, somehow more ominous.”Kinda cool, though no doubt this will be result in some more pointless controversy.

Unevenness definitions


the quality of being uneven and lacking uniformity

See also: variability


the quality of being unbalanced