Understood in a sentence as an adjective

I completely understood at the time why Google+ was important to Google, it just wasn't important to me. So I left.

Why wrench and a screwdriver, when a gear is a visually simpler icon that is widely understood?

They made millions selling their stock before the market truly understood what a **** business they were running.

This is not super technical - it's easily explained and should be easily understood by the masses.

Block ciphers are extremely well understood, have been studied to death for years, and are modeled on extremely well understood constructs.

I never understood what I was doing until I saw diagrams in the git manpages and various books around on the internet.

There is a strong correlation between "number of levels of deepness understood" and "programming prowess".6.

First, computer rendering techniques are extremely well understood and well researched.

But I love the idea of taking what is not understood, considered "random" or "exogenous", and building something to bring it from the unknown to the known.

I've never understood this condescension and self-righteousness towards those who complain about a service yet still use the service.

I saw it constantly and eventually understood it as a lack of interpersonal barriers that arise in a highly individualistic society.

There are lots of problems, and if someone who really understood what large-program developers really care about were to step in and develop a new system on Linux, it could be really appealing.

SRP is also well-studied and well-understood; if it isn't particularly beloved of academic cryptographers, well, Dragonfly doesn't score any better.

Since NHK demonstrated 4K TV a couple years ago, everybody in the consumer electronics world has understood 4K to mean 4x 1080p, arranged 2x2, and that is what ITU standardized in recommendation 2020.

When Microsoft decided that the average consumer understood what a smartphone was for and no longer needed the physical cues, they were wrong and fools -- but when Ive decides it, its because its time to move to mature and modern?Here's the thing, though: I think iOS 7, on the whole, looks worse than iOS 6.

How can anyone, including you, know how effective the choice of placebo ingredients are if they aren't disclosed?It doesn't seem an undue burden to ask that the placebo ingredients be documented so that their effect on the study, which is critical by any measure, can be understood.

Or, if removing the onions was critically important, why you didn't run a small set of onion-free test batches on a parallel process line and then put those batches through lots of tests, both in the lab and in the field, before making the change?I've worked as a semiconductor engineer, specifically in charge of diagnosing problems that arose in the field, so believe me when I tell you that I've seen "simple", "well understood" little tweaks in a semiconductor processing recipe cost companies millions of dollars and one **** of a lot of stress.

Understood definitions


fully apprehended as to purport or meaning or explanation; "the understood conditions of troop withdrawal were clear"


implied by or inferred from actions or statements; "gave silent consent"; "a tacit agreement"; "the understood provisos of a custody agreement"

See also: silent tacit