Silent in a sentence as an adjective

Company-wide bans or silent rules can hide bigger problems.

It was a submarine rigged for silent running, deep and quiet, that's never bothered to surface for air.

The guy could have done real harm if he kept silent and used it maliciously, chose not to, and got suspended.

The Constitution is silent on the issue of foreign surveillance.

He \n promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he \n demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.

Bad job experiences are too common to deserve the "silent shame" stigma, but nonetheless, a job interview is just not the place for that.

If you happen to glance at someone's email you're expected to keep politely silent about it, as you would be if you happened to glimpse your neighbor through a window of their house.

These three paragraphs also seem important:It is crucial to note that affirmatively declining to discuss the investigation in the absence of counsel is not the same thing as remaining completely silent.

Me, I'm going to keep kvetching about javascript frameworks until flexbox is widely supported, the strongly-typed language flavor-of-the week actually is stable, and frameworks like angular don't embrace silent failure modes as a feature.

This is still a board for entrepreneurs before it is a board for hackers, but some of the more out-there John Galt type stuff will now get picked apart and downvoted, or even just ignored, where before you either clucked your tongue in agreement, remained silent, or donned your flame suit.

"The suspension email stated that I was trying to impersonate another company" is followed quickly by "Well since Google was silent about the exact reason for suspension..."; he even admits to intentionally ignoring the warnings he was given because "if I thought a human at Google was giving me the warning, I might have listened more carefully.

Silent definitions


marked by absence of sound; "a silent house"; "soundless footsteps on the grass"; "the night was still"

See also: soundless still


failing to speak or communicate etc when expected to; "the witness remained silent"


implied by or inferred from actions or statements; "gave silent consent"; "a tacit agreement"; "the understood provisos of a custody agreement"

See also: tacit understood


not made to sound; "the silent `h' at the beginning of `honor'"; "in French certain letters are often unsounded"

See also: unsounded


having a frequency below or above the range of human audibility; "a silent dog whistle"


unable to speak because of hereditary deafness

See also: dumb mute