Undercoat in a sentence as a noun

They'll still give you a spiel about how you must have the undercoat or extended warranty or whatever.

I'm giving serious thought to throwing down money on copper paint to make a faraday cage undercoat next time I feel like a different color scheme.

Undercoat in a sentence as a verb

If it is my responsibility to educate myself enough that I don't spend an extra grand when the dealer recommends they undercoat my new car, why shouldn't I have to educate myself on why I shoudn't purchase an annuity in my new IRA?

– paraphrased from r/collapseHighlights of the article:> Ghost moose [is] an animal so irritated by ticks that it rubs off most of its dark brown hair, exposing its pale undercoat and bare skin.> In recent years in New England, ghost moose sightings have become increasingly familiar.> The reason is likely climate change [...] which is ushering in shorter, warmer winters that are boosting the fortunes of winter ticks [...] One moose can house 75,000 ticks, which are helping to drive a troubling rise in moose deaths, especially among calves.> April has become "the month of death.

Undercoat definitions


seal consisting of a coating of a tar or rubberlike material on the underside of a motor vehicle to retard corrosion

See also: underseal


the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface

See also: ground primer priming


thick soft fur lying beneath the longer and coarser guard hair

See also: underfur


cover with a primer; apply a primer to

See also: prime ground