Unconvincing in a sentence as an adjective

I guess it is an "unconvincing" language too...]

Don't hide behind a wall of unconvincing secrecy and then tell us it's good for us.

A quick list of gripes is a pretty unconvincing argument that hotels are "doomed".

This is so weak and unconvincing that I turn to another link in Phil's blog post, the "it's observed" link [2].

But that's totally unconvincing to me: if you want 64-bit floating point precision, use doubles.

And after reading said article, should I still be in the "never believe" camp, making it an unconvincing article?

Pardon me if I find the "but without religion we're lost morally" argument unconvincing.

But overall just too light, lowbrow and unconvincing if I was not a techie but otherwise had half a brain to care about issues like this.

But as someone who does study complex systems sometimes in my day job, I find that argument for libertarianism extremely unconvincing.

But that is unnecessary in CoffeeScript, because if you want lexical scope, you already have lexical scope:I find that unconvincing -- I like one of Walter Bright's maxims: the simple path should be safe.

His arguments are amazingly unconvincing, and he attempts to sweep by far the most important point for most peoplewhether or not Gmail is a good mail client or notaway with random hand-waving: "Meanwhile, its interface is as stale and frustrating as ever".

Unconvincing definitions


not convincing; "unconvincing argument"; "as unconvincing as a forced smile"

See also: flimsy


having a probability too low to inspire belief

See also: improbable unbelievable unlikely