Improbable in a sentence as an adjective

A guy like Snowden was extremely improbable, and yet he happened.

It is highly improbable that it was put there by escaped lunatics who were for some reason loose in the street.

Given the large amount of password reuse and poor password choices it is not improbable that this is the complete password file.

But this seems silly to me if that's the actual reason, as improbable as a hobby tennis player making a career plan that requires him to win Wimbledon.

Even if someone wanted to settle into one company for the long haul, that's not only unlikely, but perhaps even highly improbable.

It's highly improbable and takes a very unique mix of dedication, intellect, funding, and, well, nothing better to do for half a year, but that's for someone with a background in coding.

I know it sounds stupid when it is phrased like that but human psychology is full of improbable behavior designed around avoiding cognitive dissonance.

No oxygen, no complex-eukaryotes-with-twisty-genomes like you and me. Inference: that was an very improbable, difficult step, and we got lucky.

This is not only improbable, but emphatically impossible.

Then note how those same people freak out when a nuclear plant threatens to give a handful of people cancer, but only after being horribly mismanaged and then hit by an improbable sequence of natural disasters!

All of this going on the assumption that the charge station is not fully occupied at the time you want to recharge, which with 30 to 60 minute recharge times is going to get improbable pretty fast when electric cars become more popular.

You'll notice that even this article doesn't claim that all memory prior to age 7 is irretrievably erased, and it's fully possible you truly have the memories you have -- but it's nonetheless improbable, and it isn't wrong to disbelieve you.

It's about time somebody stood up for men brave enough to pitch improbable edge-case possibilities in order to anonymously undermine a woman reporting her experience of sexual harassment.

Improbable definitions


not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred; "legislation on the question is highly unlikely"; "an improbable event"

See also: unlikely


having a probability too low to inspire belief

See also: unbelievable unconvincing unlikely


too improbable to admit of belief; "a tall story"

See also: marvelous marvellous