Unbalance in a sentence as a noun

>Now unbalance it a bit, if the 6'2" can't hold a conversation he's going to fail.

Now unbalance it a bit, if the 6'2" can't hold a conversation he's going to fail.

You have absolutely no idea what an unbalance of even a few grams will do at those rotational speeds.

You can for example create a type for trees enforcing that the tree must be balanced; code that would unbalance a tree will just not compile.

Hmm, what if it doesn't hit earth, and hits venus, to which it is also on a collision course, and sets off a chain of events that unbalance our SS.

We need to because we are likely to unbalance the natural cycle and cause change that is more severe and more rapid than ever before.

If you lose it, or feel threatened and react accordingly, it shifts power around in a way that will ultimately unbalance the ship.

Unbalance in a sentence as a verb

But that wouldn't unbalance the playing field for competitors of Verizon's video services.

There is an interesting unbalance because Comcast has so much leverage by owning the last mile, they can push around Tier 1 providers.

If you have a five-option list where 95% of your users are answering 4 or 5, then it's time to unbalance the scale so that you can get better information.

US citizens and companies are also being spied, but here comes the unbalance:The US government can use that information for bad or good purposes.

Either you reduce the resource consumption or the system balances itself at the expense of those who are the least responsible for the unbalance.

To address the unbalance in conference speaker lineups by raising the public profile of incredible women working in the community.

We already know:- Powerful men tend to be taller than other men- Women tend to be shorter than menThere's an understood physical difference that is more than likely playing to unbalance social power relations.

Unbalance definitions


a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium; "a hormonal imbalance"

See also: imbalance instability


a state of mental disturbance and disorientation

See also: derangement


throw out of balance or equilibrium; "The tax relief unbalanced the budget"; "The prima donna unbalances the smooth work in our department"


derange mentally, throw out of mental balance; make insane; "The death of his parents unbalanced him"

See also: derange