Instability in a sentence as a noun

We didn't have to experience a crisis of social, governmental, or financial instability.

Things like solar and wind have some problems in this, as they can contribute instability to the overall system - if the wind dies, you have to have hot standby power to keep voltage levels up.

This is a general term for situations when the pilot makes inputs to stabilize an airplane, but the inputs instead end up exacerbating the instability.

Since most people using BTC ultimately want to convert it to dollars, this insane instability makes BTC impossible to use for anyone interested in a pure BTC economy.

Because bash is the standard on Linux and every component you add introduces additional complexity and instability.

When wealth decreases, identity is challenged or political drama whips the mob into a frenzy political instability ensues.

You can't knowingly endorse toxic financial instruments in one breath causing huge financial instability in financial markets all around the world and expect me to believe anything you have to say after that.

Whether it's tribes, races or just plain ol' religion, a lot of inherent instability comes about as a result of people disagreeing the bajeezus out of each other for no real reason other than... "I'm not them".Of course, if you're a native in these lands, that still leaves your people under-represented.

Instability definitions


an unstable order


unreliability attributable to being unstable


a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium; "a hormonal imbalance"

See also: imbalance unbalance


the quality or attribute of being unstable and irresolute

See also: unstableness