Ulterior in a sentence as an adjective

Sounds like Google can't win. If they add a feature that helps people fight spam, people suspect an ulterior motive

Those pushing "if you have nothing to hide..." have suspect & ulterior motives.

Newell has the ulterior motive of killing Microsoft's app store, which he clearly sees as a direct threat to Steam.

With no justification what's been done here certainly does seem odd and, frankly, smacks of some kind of ulterior motive...

But the cynicism that says there is some ulterior motive cuts deep, especially coming from someone I respect like you, Matt.

"Jeff Atwood has stated publicly that one of his ulterior motives with the Discourse project is get people to stop using PHP and start using Ruby.

", you might ask. Turns out he even had an ulterior motive to be mad at the Army, he had recently been demoted from Specialist for physically assaulting a fellow soldier.

Nothing is genuine, everything has an ulterior motive.

Until then some of those men are going to be acting nice trying to get close to you so they can eventually **** to their ulterior motives, while others will be running ******* PUA game on you to see what they can "get away with".

" [2]I think that this is a perfectly plausible explanation and don't think that the real ulterior motive is controlling resale, especially when other foreign competitors do not have the same restrictions.

Assuming there are no ulterior motives--and I don't see evidence of any--it's wonderful to see someone so dedicated to sharing such intricate knowledge with anyone who's interested.

By the company he was formerly the CEO of?This is patently ridiculous, and can only be a case of YouSendIt having some major grievances with him about something else, or some other kind of ulterior motive.

I'd be somewhat more interested in a program like this if it were being run by someone I believed actually wanted in good faith to improve education/business, rather than having ulterior political motives.

I'm the crackpot that believes there are ulterior motives in this pattern of institutional ignorance/behavior.~ ~When it comes to the marketing of high stakes legislation - know that the true motives are often-times blended with an actual public desire, with the bill being a means to another end entirely.

By contrast, the response looks as though it was co-authored by an accountant and an HR rep.> ...it is particularly difficult to believe that a “high level employee” in good standing with the company would choose to anonymously publish a letter on the web rather than engage their fellow executives in a constructive manner, but regardless of whether the letter is real, fake, exaggerated or written with ulterior motivations...That seems like a petty way to respond publicly.

Ulterior definitions


lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed); "subterranean motives for murder"; "looked too closely for an ulterior purpose in all knowledge"- Bertrand Russell

See also: subterranean subterraneous


beyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote; "a suggestion ulterior to the present discussion"; "without...any purpose, immediate or ulterior"- G.B.Shaw


coming at a subsequent time or stage; "without ulterior argument"; "the mood posterior to"

See also: posterior