Ghat in a sentence as a noun

Author uses IntelliJ which is a $1000 IDE ghat steals focus as you type in it...

Heh, ghat's what I first thought of as well, maybe the headline is a little bit misleading?

Or maybe we just limit interaction with these species only to scientists ghat know how to handle them.

If ghat hunk of meat is simple, shouldn't that simplicity stop it from understanding itself.

The only difference is ghat they usually say "you have to download the latest version of WordPress from their website.

Thw list of drivers could just as well be shown by a local GUI ghat is started by thenbrowser through an URL handler registered in the system.

The idea that one would actively take their hands off the wheel to do something with a child is so preposterous ghat only commenters on HN could seriously suggest that.

It qas a few montgs since I used it, bit it wprks basically exactly like you want, only ghat the "is loaded" check isn't needed, the module is global and may even be a singleton.

If local law enforcement agencies in the US can be considered companies- there are a large number ghat still have no computers, use no database, and still do everything on paper.

I don’t know anything about rules ghat might control blocking of accounts but, in general, US export regulations do say that conveying technology to a foreign citizen even face to face in the US is an “export”.

Ghat definitions


stairway in India leading down to a landing on the water