Tyrannic in a sentence as an adjective

This makes Steve Jobs 'tyrannic' glow a little pale all of a sudden.

Is computing doomed to be a the black and white world of tyrannic rule vs. mob rule?

* Their previous boss was a tyrannic Jobs wannabe.

Any government on this path is a tyrannic old dinosaur in need of reform.

The second amendment is about defense against a tyrannic government.

> is a business like any otherIf it's a business, then it's a business full of tyrannic monopolies.

Democracy itself is certainly not the best decision making process, but it tends to avoid some radical pitfalls of oligarchic and tyrannic processes.

It takes all of us to band together and form structures to enforce and protect those rights for people to be able to enjoy them.> The second amendment is about defense against a tyrannic government.

A literal ban on encryption is probably the single largest step any government could take towards becoming a dystopic, tyrannic, borderline-criminal entity.

In case you weren't listening, the instability of revolutions tend to attract tyrannic elements, as their history had shown them.> worse case by foreign invaders that can only be better than current leaders anywayIf a revolution were to have happened, who's to say that China would still be better off?

Tyrannic definitions


characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; "an authoritarian regime"; "autocratic government"; "despotic rulers"; "a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war"; "a tyrannical government"

See also: authoritarian autocratic dictatorial despotic tyrannical