Despotic in a sentence as an adjective

If there's one thing that really gets despotic police states to change their ways, it's online letters.

Yeah, because there haven't been any despotic regimes in the US lately.

A corporation is a despotic form of government.

So why not side with the liberal West, which is very much the least of many evils, rather than run away to despotic regimes like Russia?

I have never met him, or even saw him in person, but probably wouldn't have liked him personally; he was despotic and narcissistic.

He may run his organization in an authoritarian, despotic, and un-transparent way, but in the end, the people working for him are there voluntarily.

Without being aware of it, they’ve remained\n prisoners of those invisible and despotic circles which delimit the\n universe of a certain milieu in a given era.

What can one hope to learn from people like these?Sadly, this whole case brings up uncomfortable parallels with anonymous informants always crawling out of the woodwork and taking delight in ruining their neighbours' lives, whenever a despotic regime takes hold of a society.

"If power 'sprang up from the people' in America, we would not have the patriot act or wars in several countries or foreign aid to despotic regimes or Wall Street bailouts or the war on ***** or TSA gate rape at airports or any number of extremely unpopular policies.

Cultural participation is a basic human need: people will go to great lengths, will in fact in despotic, tyrannical, totalitarian or fascistic regimes go so far as to actually risk their own lives and the lives of their loved ones to participate in unsanctioned culture.

If every police station in the country is equipped with military-grade weapons and vehicles, what happens in the event of despotic leadership?Suppose someone rises to power with little regard for legislative oversight and activates the sleeping military at home.

Despotic definitions


belonging to or having the characteristics of a despot

See also: despotical


ruled by or characteristic of a despot; "moved from a feudal to a despotic order"; "his administration was arrogant and despotic"


characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; "an authoritarian regime"; "autocratic government"; "despotic rulers"; "a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war"; "a tyrannical government"

See also: authoritarian autocratic dictatorial tyrannic tyrannical