Turban in a sentence as a noun

"Look - if you're going to wear a turban you just have to expect people to judge you".

An airline denied me boarding a flight because I had a turban on.

It's like berating someone for planting a Christmas tree in his garden but not a turban.

As s Sikh Brit that also wears a turban I usually feel quite at home when I'm routinely in the US.

I can imagine how these prejudices affect us and especially people wearing a turban or hijab.

For instance, it's heavily gender binary, and has odd cultural mismatches such as "man with turban" but no "woman with hijab.

But i bet you never request your money back after an action movie depict a bad guy in the desert wearing a turban, right?yeah, i thought so.

The same is decidedly not true in the US. How many election posters have you seen where the candidate is wearing a turban, or has a name that's difficult to pronounce for "native" Americans?

Democrats are pro-welfare and taxes for the rich, but just as happy to invade your privacy or bomb the **** out of your family if you are a bearded guy with a turban.

Diplomats of the People's Republic of China are similarly noted for wearing the Mao suit to international events; Indian leaders often wear Nehru jackets, with Manmohan Singh wearing a suit-like combination including such a jacket with his Sikh turban.

Although the narrative of Captain America is that he enlisted in the 40's so chances of him having a turban and a beard are really really low, but it the dissonance effect is one that can be used to great advantage by artists to surface presumptions we don't know we are holding.

Turban definitions


a traditional Muslim headdress consisting of a long scarf wrapped around the head


a small round woman's hat

See also: pillbox toque