Pillbox in a sentence as a noun

You probably want nginx in front of pillbox.

* After the photo of the pillbox, show a message: "Great.

Then use the rope on the balcony, hold on, lean over, grab the pillbox.

$80 for a pillbox is pushing it, but I can see the value in this product.

I don't want to do 'apt-get install pillbox' and have it install all this stuff system-wide.

* After the photo of the empty pillbox, show a message: "Close the pillbox and store it.

I wonder what they use for the face recognition, and if that could be added to pillbox?

I'd love to be able to run 'docker run pillbox' and have it download and install all the dependencies.

Please pick the pillbox and take a photo".If he doesn't take the photo, make the app sound and show the message again after 2 minutes.

How about this instead:Each pillbox comes with a little paper which contains a random-looking string of characters and a trademark.

I want to keep everything pillbox needs in a separate environment and communicate with it via a port.

Jackie Kennedy's hair style, pillbox hat, and oversize sunglasses influenced a generation of women.

* After the photo of the open pillbox, show a message: "Take your medicine and then and take another photo"It will need some calibration to distinguish the pills and the empty slot.

To bring up the affordance angle again, that doorway is extremely unsubtle about being a doorway, and gets high marks for usability, while the Le Corbusier building looks like a military pillbox with no way to enter or leave.

In the US, besides Big Phrama, I think another big reason we reach for the pillbox is because it's a simpler and cheaper "solution" than trying to teach hyperactive children to better manage themselves and having other contingencies in place for when a child is not coping well.

Pillbox definitions


a small round woman's hat

See also: toque turban


a small case for holding pills


a small enclosed gun emplacement (usually of fortified concrete)