Tributary in a sentence as a noun

This is from the tributary of the Danube to that of the Rhine, so there will be mountains in between.

I think some people may not get that the header itself is a tributary math example ... link it up?

At the same time, a lot of those who fell to Mongol expansion were wiped of the map for good or reduced to tributary kingdoms.

It's not solely a tributary or legislative issue.

Tributary in a sentence as an adjective

This conversation tributary was about using the polymer as broadly as antibiotics are used now, in agriculture etc.

The legal fiction may be of equality in international law but the reality is more like the old Chinese view of the world where there was China, Chinese tributary states and rebels.

He's not filling from his well or tapping localized springs on his property, this guy divertied water flowing thought his property which feeds a tributary creek that supplies the city of Medford with it's potable water.

Tributary definitions


a branch that flows into the main stream

See also: feeder confluent affluent


(of a stream) flowing into a larger stream


paying tribute; "a tributary colony"


tending to bring about; being partly responsible for; "working conditions are not conducive to productivity"; "the seaport was a contributing factor in the growth of the city"; "a contributory factor"

See also: conducive contributive contributory