Contributive in a sentence as an adjective

There are more classy and contributive ways of advertising your app.

You got downvoted for making a joke that wasn't very contributive.

That is to say, we don't have the ability to guide our own lives contributively until we perceive what exists.

Although this statement isn't very contributive to the topic at hand, Ratatat is awesome.

It's depressing to see all their passion directed at something non-contributive like sports.

Don't be, it happens sometimes when we contribute something that isn't considered helpful or contributive to the discussion going on.

But undergoing this process is necessary in order to become someone who can be contributive to oneself and others.

We need to figure out how to allow politicians to be productive and contributive without money being the measuring stick proxying power.

What exists itself must be the standard for any judgement which is to be appropriate and contributive to existing circumstances.

Apologies, I thought I’d edit a useless, incorrect comment into something useful and contributive to the discussion.

For future reference, you're being downvoted because Hacker News has traditionally looked down upon non-contributive, vacuous one-word comments.

As someone with friends and family personally impacted by that conflict, I’d wager quite a few people care and think that resolving that geopolitical issue is very contributive to society.

I also considered that possibility, but since I don't know the real reason why, and you don't either, I figured I'd go with the more sensational response, especially since the comment to which I responded was also not "very contributive", yet did not get downvoted.

That's just confused logic.> am interested in raising income, so I can give people more humanity, more dignity, more piece of mind to really uncover what their callings might be, so they can be more effective and more contributive in their communitiesWhat you 're giving them is more money to gamble/spend on *****/ be just as irresponsible as before.

Contributive definitions


tending to bring about; being partly responsible for; "working conditions are not conducive to productivity"; "the seaport was a contributing factor in the growth of the city"; "a contributory factor"

See also: conducive contributory tributary