Traveller in a sentence as a noun

If so, are you a time traveller from 1952?

Best way to exchange cash is to meet up with a traveller coming in the opposite direction. Work out the market rate, swap the cash and be on your merry way.

Even if a time traveller 'dropped' tech. This tech would be recoverable by popping back in time and recovering it.

This sounds like an unprepared traveller, who confused his story, and then was denied due to the suspicious nature of his story. I know, start-up rush and hustle, but do your homework.

This is especially true if you're a frequent air traveller and could be dosed two or more times per trip. That really means that airport X-ray machines should be held to a much higher safety standard then medical x-rays.

Things I would drive home ruthlessly, because not to do so would be like a time traveller knowing the all the days winning horses and still not betting. So, to sum up, doing something in politics takes a special kind of ruthlessness.

I'm sure there are ways to solve the security and visa issues in a way that does not leave traumatic memories in every casual traveller that maybe or maybe not misunderstood the rules. It's obvious that the border control knew what the problem was.

Meanwhile, because I have been a traveller, I've been to other countries and seen how in some ways at least many of them are better than the USA. Chile for instance, has a culture that is more instinctively capitalist. New Zealand, while its more socialist on the surface has a much less corrupt government.

Generally, the airline is instructed not to provide said orders to the traveller, so the traveller has no way to know why they aren't allowed to fly. This sort of lawsuit is difficult to make - the government has argued it should be dismissed because she can't prove the problem is that she is on the no fly list.

TL;DR: systemd's supporters treat anyone who doesn't like it as an enemy to be defeated rather than a fellow traveller who is taking a different path. If I look at launchd or upstart or openrc or runit, I see a project which wants a competitive landscape where they can demonstrate their merits for various uses.

I never expecting that the bumps near the scrape would progress to intense pain, waves of nausea, and blackness underneath the skin, or that those symptoms left me maybe a day to live had I not taken antibiotics supplied by a fellow traveller. A year later, I got an infected gum/tooth situation and the dentist was closed for the weekend.

The surface is a lonely place, where few souls are encountered and if you do encounter some wandering traveller then you are unlikely to speak to the same language and must communicate by crude gestures like waving of hands. As more and more matter is added to sphere, the dwellers on its surface drift further and further apart, as the surface area expands.

However, there's also a lot of deep pleasure in that conventional, normal life, pleasure the nomadic traveller is forgoing - wandering around the world indefinitely comes with an opportunity cost. If this was just a temporary choice of one thing over the other, I'd say 'go for it, and enjoy yourself', but I wonder if this sort of lifestyle, done long enough, can really be put down.

Quote Examples using Traveller

Much dissonance in this discussion originates from equating the blogger's situation with the general traveller's. Making a scene increases his blog's visibility and has a decent chance of resulting in corrective action. For him, this may outweigh being late for Baku. As Francis Fukuyama notes, "unlike money, which can simply be divided, dignity is something inherently uncompromisable: either you recognize my dignity, or the dignity of that which I hold sacred, or you do not" [1]. Trading immaterial dignity for getting to one's destination on time makes sense for most travellers.


Traveller definitions


a person who changes location

See also: traveler