Traveler in a sentence as a noun

You are the face of the country, the first impression every traveler gets. When i say "how are you doing?"

You then have the frustrated traveler who said he would blow an air port "sky high". He was arrested, found guilty and fined.

A time traveler from 1998 to today wouldn't notice much difference except for the fashion. So yes, I think some malls are dead or dying.

Org/wiki/Twin_paradox for more on this, including an explanation of why your belief about the age of the traveler is wrong.

Just some non-specific advice from an Internet traveler. If it's tough for me to figure out, it's likely tough for someone with much less experience.

"If a passenger is cleared for Precheck screening, a code is embedded in a traveler's boarding pass." I'd give it 50/50 odds that the embedded 'code' in the boarding pass can be easily forged.

Try being an immigrant and dealing with INS officers or a traveler dealing with TSA. Our government has created all kinds of thugs whose job it is to put on a big show of force to intimidate people. Why are government buildings so big and grand?

Shortly after 9/11 my father, a very frequent traveler, had forgotten his nail clippers in his carry-on luggage. Predictably, they were confiscated.

I've always thought that if time traveler was possible, and someone came to the present day from the 1950s, that a microSD card would be one of the best ways to blow their mind. I still feel a bit of awe when I'm holding a fingernail sized piece of plastic that can contain all of Wikipedia with room to spare.

Mothers group forums, parenting forums, business traveler hangouts, school teachers - whatever.

The officials are thinking less about how this process inconveniences the traveler and a lot more about the **** storm that will ensue should they let another underwear bomber on a plane.

In those days a business traveler could sit down to pose for a snapshot inside the aircraft cockpit, with the crew having no concerns about a person who was not an airline employee being there. That's the carefree ease of flying in the United States I remember from the beginning of my adulthood.

Osama bin Laden's legacy lives on with every traveler being herded through body scanners, with every illegal search in our 120-mile-radius Constitution-free zones, and with every warrantless wiretap. Until his legacy dies, he lives on, as strong as ever.

Com tightly controls the communication between host and traveler, disallowing the exchange of personal contact information until the point in which a reservation is already confirmed and paid for.

Rahul Bajaj is one: any traveler to India must have seen ubiquity in the autorickshaw. Ask the owners of Piaggio how quickly they were decimated when trying to introduce a bigger and better auto, by the so-called authorities, simply by having to get a bunch of licenses and also not being allowed to compete in key markets because of union rules.

As another commenter said, "Osama bin Laden's legacy lives on with every traveler being herded through body scanners, with every illegal search in our 120-mile-radius Constitution-free zones, and with every warrantless wiretap." Besides that, it's simply not like me to cheer for anyone's death, in principle, especially a figure the TV adamantly asserts we're supposed to hate.

Now if I was a regular white traveler going through Colombia, I probably wouldn't even be stopped at all--the police know they can't hassle you in the long term like they can a local, they know even if you get a ticket you won't know how to pay it, and they have easier people to target.

Traveler definitions


a person who changes location

See also: traveller