Transcendental in a sentence as an adjective

How do transcendental numbers translate to the real world?

In this case, being transcendental means they're not rational.

How can you have a transcendental number of things multiplied together?

So it can't be the root of any integer polynomial; in other words, it's transcendental.

Coming up with algorithms for computing e’s decimal expansion or proving that e is irrational and transcendental.

I personally prefer Cantor's first argument that there exist transcendental numbers, which is equivalent.

In practice, however, this isn't a very useful method: "Almost all" transcendental numbers also obey the ThueSiegelRoth theorem.

For spheres embedded in a handful of dimensions, it would still be fine, and it avoids all the transcendental functions associated with Normal variates.

" Next I wondered, "to how many aribtrary decimal places does nature carry out the transcendental irrational before she decides to say it's a bad job and call it off?

If the digits of an irrational / transcendental number share some of the properties of a random string, then you shouldn't be able to compress it. And finding a fractional representation with fewer total digits is a form of data compression.

Identifying the abstract, transcendental value has the practical application that you can use a rational approximation appropriate to the scale.

Unfortunately, Taylor series are just about the worst choice possible for implementing transcendental math functions, due to the highly non-uniform error distribution.

If it has to do with anything Kantian I'd think it would have less to do with his moral philosophy and more to do with the realm of the noumena and phenomena and his transcendental philosophy as contemplated by a lone man who for the first time sees something of the shape of things from a vantage point above the fog.

A number is "algebraic" if some polynomial with integer coefficients evaluates to zero at that number, "transcendental" otherwise; almost all numbers are transcendental but proving them so is generally difficult; transcendence theory is concerned with methods for proving that numbers are transcendental and quantifying how transcendental they are in various senses.

Transcendental definitions


existing outside of or not in accordance with nature; "find transcendental motives for sublunary action"-Aldous Huxley

See also: nonnatural otherworldly preternatural


of or characteristic of a system of philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual above the empirical and material