Trafficker in a sentence as a noun

Written like a true mobile games ad trafficker!

He said some of these figures were allegedly murderers and one a drug trafficker.

If leaking information is theft, then the New York Times is a frequent recipient and trafficker of stolen goods.

Morale of the story: unless you're the next Osama or Showden or some major narco-trafficker it doesn't apply to you.

All I see in your post is slagging off DPR as a glorified drug trafficker, and some rather vague handwaving about the "realities of the drug trade".

There is even a recent drug case where the Swedish police illegaly put GPS surveillance on a suspected drug trafficker.

"If the internet thinks that his name is associated with murderers and drug traffickers, then I think it's part of the job of a search engine to reflect that.

For example, an agency ad trafficker is going to want to market in neighborhoods with mean household incomes in line with their target audience.

Any credible authority for a gun trafficker senator to ban violent video games?

Remember when Israel assassinated that arms trafficker in a luxury hotel and all the video footage was released to the internet.

"I haven't read much about him, but if he was a dealer and trafficker in *******, I think there is a high probability that he would either be dead or not have accomplished much.

He's a drug trafficker, makes large amount of money of it and I have a hard time seeing that any decrease in government oppression isn't offset by the realities of the drug trade.

Is it because the international drug trafficker could afford "the right kind of help"?If so, do you shed no tears over a justice system where the rich can easily buy freedom or leniency?

Trafficker definitions


someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money

See also: seller marketer vender vendor