Seller in a sentence as a noun

* TIP: Always know your seller if possible.

If the sell order was invalid, it was MtGox's fault, or the seller account holder's, not the buyer's.

I priced it $1 cheaper than the lowest price offered, but within an hour both sellers had changed their prices to $.01 and $.02 cheaper than mine.

Anyone who does not wish to pay the price of butter has to cut down on butter consumption right now, because it is a seller's market.

Let's say I use this to pay for something I've purchased online, and I later realize the seller is a scammer and want to issue a chargeback.

The publishers knew that once Amazon became the dominant ebook seller, they would come back to the publishers and revise the terms of purchase.

I told them I'd write it off to my not understanding their policy on "seller protection", but at least do something about the scammers account.

This seller even goes so far as to state they are operating "just like any other retailer would".At which point we ask the killer question: are they collecting sales tax?

The invisible hand can't keep this in checkit cannot discipline the seller with lost saleswhen so many buyers do not act with actual price sensitivity.

"To be considered handmade, the seller must substantially alter the design of an item produced from a "ready to assemble" kit.----Nowhere did I find anything that stated pictures or any documentation whatsoever is required to account for the construction process.

So, what used to be regarded as a dispute over garbage at the local dump becomes a massive environmental enforcement action by which dozens of parties face multi-million dollar liabilities; what used to be a distribution chain in which only the end-point seller typically bore liability to the consumer becomes massive product liability suits going back to the manufacturers and imposing strict liability on them in ways that can ruin a multi-billion business; what used to be the $.25 that a cab driver overcharged you because of some shifty trade practice becomes a major class action in which all the vendors in the area are swept in to face a protracted legal fight and potentially substantial damage exposure; etc., etc., etc.

Seller definitions


someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money

See also: marketer vender vendor trafficker