Traduce in a sentence as a verb

The use of 'traduce', to slander or defame, was fun.

I have a few examples:- The third sign says "Lo traduce el texto", but that sentence doesn't make sense.

I would traduce that bias by "a good school involves necessarily good courses" .

Anyhow, I' be happy to traduce any optimistic cynicism I can, if you shout me.

The variety of ways in which this simple desire for local government gets insulted and traduced indicates a severe problem with the EU and its associated belief systems.

That makes it worse; enacting a law intended to be selectively enforced based on the offender is just tyranny with a fig leaf and traduces the principle that one prosecutes the crime, not the criminal.

Bradley told jurors that Zenger, "being a seditious person and a frequent printer and publisher of false news and seditious libels" had "wickedly and maliciously" devised to "traduce, scandalize, and vilify" Governor Cosby and his ministers.

Proper Noun Examples for Traduce

It should be "Traduce el texto" or even "Se traduce el texto".- 'Ropas opcional' sounds strange to me, although it may be accepted in some countries..

Traduce definitions


speak unfavorably about; "She badmouths her husband everywhere"

See also: badmouth malign