Touchable in a sentence as an adjective

You don't have a mouse on iOS to hover over things to see if they're 'touchable' or not.

I don't know what term there would be for this quality, but it's like a magic slab of touchable light.

Why they haven't pursued this instead of touchable iMac knockoffs is beyond me.

It's an image that people enjoy looking at, and it's right there for everyone to see - touchable, fragile, transient.

On one hand it feels touchable and visitable and on the other hand, boring and visually uninspiring.

Compared to other touchable elements in the app, the button provides very little feedback, so kids largely ignore it.

You are actually recommended to make your content touchable rather than putting every action in the top right as an icon.

On the last image one can see that the green semicircle extends beyond the touchable part of the screen to the edges of the phone, implying the potential for a greater tactile surface.

The Leap lets you do gestures locally for action at a distance, I could see that as having some pull if people continue with large displays at a distance, but being less effective if the trend becomes many touchable displays close to you.

I wonder if this is because my iPad and iPhone are retina displays with touch screen, such that UI elements are both touchable and without visible pixels, crossing the "uncanny valley" into being "real" interfaces instead of metaphors, causing similar elements on the rMBP to instinctively feel equally "real".

Touchable definitions


perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch; "skin with a tangible roughness"

See also: tangible