Today in a sentence as a noun

As a result of the picture she took I was let go from my job today.

The second P stands for "Present a solution for the customer to take home today.

I truly believe this is analogous to C64 days back then.- School started today, he's moved to another school this year.

Farm programs from the depression era thrive today as ever, though the logic for their existence has long since vanished.

How much scapegoating happens even today around immigrants and crime, jobs, culture, etc.?

Many people today do not even give pause over the idea that the government claims huge amounts of unchecked power, whether it is to fight terrorists or to expand social programs.

It did, however, have one lasting effect: the engineer that was pursued went from thinking fondly of his years at AWS to hating AWS and Amazon with a white-hot passion that still burns today.

Today in a sentence as an adverb

In a lot of anti-Semitic literature, Jews were portrayed as ultra-sexual in the same "hide your daughters" way that can happen with African Americans today.

Ortiz today: and they recognized that his conduct while a violation of the law did not warrant the severe punishments authorized by Congress and called for by the Sentencing Guidelines in appropriate cases.

It was one of the great attempts in all history to try to do what many dream of doing today through the internet and the advantages of the digital age: limited by the resources of that day, for sure, but an amazing achievement nonetheless.

Federal prosectors added nine new felony counts against well-known coder and activist Aaron Swartz, who was charged last year for allegedly breaching hacking laws by downloading millions of academic articles from a subscription database via an open connection at MIT. Ortiz today: Ultimately, any sentence imposed would have been up to the judge.

And this is the major factor not grasped by those today who assume that society is evolving to a point that, if only right-thinking people with good motives are given enough power over our lives, they will somehow magically transform society for the good through government action.

The people who actually work the port asked that they not disrupt the port, but in the end these dreadlocked, shiftless complainers cost those longshoremen a day in wages -- Viva El Proletariado!What we have today is a group of young, electively poor white kids who are upset that the price of unheated lofts and dingy Victorians are being driven up by people who have the means and motivation to actually own and improve them.

Proper Noun Examples for Today

Today, it does not because the world is big and diverse and because entrepreneurs today who do startups come from all sorts of cultures and backgrounds.

Today definitions


the present time or age; "the world of today"; "today we have computers"


the day that includes the present moment (as opposed to yesterday or tomorrow); "Today is beautiful"; "did you see today's newspaper?"


in these times; "it is solely by their language that the upper classes nowadays are distinguished"- Nancy Mitford; "we now rarely see horse-drawn vehicles on city streets"; "today almost every home has television"

See also: nowadays


on this day as distinct from yesterday or tomorrow; "I can't meet with you today"