Nowadays in a sentence as a noun

No one would ask for an ID. I think nowadays they are a little bit stricter, but you are still legally allowed to buy alcohol once you turn 16.

Runlevels as a mechanism also seem pretty unhelpful for most uses people have nowadays.

It doesn't matter much to the programmer how the data is stored, it's that the data is stored, and it just happens that nowadays we use relational databases.

Nowadays in a sentence as an adverb

As the author says toward the end of the article, I think the biggest problem with Gnome nowadays is that only a small number of people actually use it on a day-to-day basis.

Heck, 3D game engines are practically commodities nowadays.

It is a complex and interesting topic, Dawkins-style atheism leads to a "there is no evidence for god so we can just forget about religion" type of stance which makes most "rational" people nowadays not understand the first thing about religion and its role.

Nowadays definitions


the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech; "that is enough for the present"; "he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow"

See also: present


in these times; "it is solely by their language that the upper classes nowadays are distinguished"- Nancy Mitford; "we now rarely see horse-drawn vehicles on city streets"; "today almost every home has television"

See also: today