Timidness in a sentence as a noun

You can mitigate this by trying to err on the side of timidness in all matters until you see what "they" do.

Yes, there is a certain timidness in the YC community about the dark art of business.

It suggests a great deal of cynicism or timidness that should really not be the result of the best education in the world.

Maybe mine are worsened by the fear of rejection, not following one of their fascist regime style rules, or overall timidness about sounding dumb.

I think our brains may even have dedicated systems for potential failure detection leading to timidness.

I just prefer to live this way: I prefer to believe its better to connect with people; I prefer confidence to shy timidness; I prefer to look enthusiastic when meeting a new person over fearful judgment.

Timidness definitions


fear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions

See also: timidity timorousness