Tied in a sentence as an adjective

We have a big company spending money on science that is not tied to what they can sell. That is a good thing.

\nAll of this is then tied to your identity. If people are interested when I get the results of my research, ping me.

If your identity is tied up in your work, then you feel bad about yourself when work isn't going well. That's obvious, and that's the message of this blog post.

It's tied to single physical devices which can be lost or damaged. This makes them unsuitable for storing savings.

I called back two days later and tied him up for another 20 minutes before he finally cracked and hung up on me. Yes, it was a terrific waste of time, but boy did it feel good.

What I think is sad about both of these products is that they are tied to specific apps. These closed ecosystems get to be more powerful instead of becoming tools on top of which larger things can be hacked together.

These days though, I am looking to support my own stand alone instances of these types of tools without being tied to 3rd party cloudy services so tightly.

That is the tradeoff of using something that is closely tied to the concept of the event loop. If you are using node because you feel comfortable with threads and you need threads, then you are making a serious mistake.

What I take from this is yet another situation of people arguing about something highly subjective that is closely tied to their identity. Good programming is not an objective concept.

One apps for domain account is tied to my job, another my personal domain, a third to a former job/personal domain that I registered services with. I used my gmail account to access services that google doesn't make available on google apps for domains.

However, in almost all cases involving an early stage startup, you can deal with this easily by using the alternative valuation method tied to value of assets in the company. Use of the alternative method usually reduces the franchise tax to a very low level.

See companies like Samsung and Toshiba have "certified" stores that "take guarantees" but they are not tied by their parent company, they are privately owned stores that just negotiated with the parent company to use their "sticker". I bought a Phillips shaver and under warranty, the Phillips station wanted me to pay 70% of the cost of a new one, despite being a DoA device.

Of course, in the right cases, founders can also sell products and far-more-typically services to generate enough funds in the early going to fund development efforts tied to a longer-term strategy. In working with founders over many years, it has been my rule of thumb that they should not do too early of an equity round unless there was some very special reason for doing so.

In most cases, even when success ensues, the startup will get squeezed on things like pricing and they will continually face the risk of termination of the arrangement, leaving them vulnerable if the company's survival is tied to that deal. What is unusual here - and what so seriously increased the risk to this startup even much more than the norm - is the unusually blatant way in which Best Buy connived to steal the trade secrets.

Tied definitions


bound or secured closely; "the guard was found trussed up with his arms and legs securely tied"; "a trussed chicken"

See also: trussed


bound together by or as if by a strong rope; especially as by a bond of affection; "people tied by blood or marriage"


fastened with strings or cords; "a neatly tied bundle"

See also: fastened


closed with a lace; "snugly laced shoes"

See also: laced


of the score in a contest; "the score is tied"

See also: even