Thrower in a sentence as a noun

Here's the thing, writing a web app in C is like using a flame thrower to light a candle.

I would probably refuse to work with the chair-thrower, too, out of safety concerns.

But using a Saturn V to deploy nuclear warheads is like using a flame thrower to start a barbecue.

Especially for the type who is more of the "learn it and sling it" fact-thrower with more knowledge than understanding.

Over the years, I've found the board very unfriendly to people who come in with a flame thrower laying waste to those they're trying to engage.

I can't seem to find a way to reply to this comment without setting the flame-thrower to 10, which goes against the 'say it to your face' principle.

Would we allow the quarterback to use a giant Chuckit thrower just because someone made one that launches footballs instead of tennis balls?

If you follow this link, you will find a whole sub-culture whose existance must've been the driving motivation behind the invention of the flame thrower.

This is completely unrelated to the original topic at hand, but I thought it might be interesting to shed some light on knife throwers' grips.

In Common Lisp, however, we have the restart construct, which allows the thrower of an exception to set up recovery routines that the handler can invoke.

Sounds like Brown went ****-for-leather with a flame-thrower through as many defense contractors and hangers-on that he could find, and finally the system stepped on him like a bug.

The false-economy of buying an Apple for 10c, which was trucked from a few thousand km's away, is really the end of it; our Pear tree gets us supplied good and plenty, and it costs nothing but a bit of rope to keep it propped up in the winds .. oh, sure, I did have to build a flame-thrower to keep the wasps away, but: that was fun!

Thrower definitions


a person who twists silk or rayon filaments into a thread or yarn

See also: throwster


someone who projects something (especially by a rapid motion of the arm)


a craftsman who shapes pottery on a potter's wheel and bakes them it a kiln

See also: potter ceramicist ceramist