Ceramicist in a sentence as a noun

Yes, I wasn't taking "clay" by its literal term from the news, but thinking that being a ceramicist he would know how to make ceramics that last longer.

Nowhere near the only means of access, there is no divide between technical and non-technical ceramicists.

Gore Vidal, never short on snark, remarked about his own craft that speaking of a famous writer would be like speaking of a famous ceramicist.

If it’s true, I can’t help imagining some poor student in the “quality” group at the end of the class, after the big reveal, looking down at their inferior ceramic bowl and going, “well, that was a waste of time,” and then maybe there's a sad moment later where they give up their dreams of becoming a ceramicist.

Ceramicist definitions


a craftsman who shapes pottery on a potter's wheel and bakes them it a kiln

See also: potter thrower ceramist