Thrifty in a sentence as an adjective

Maybe you can go live in one of these cages too and see how thrifty you can be.

I just wanted to make due with what I had and have it work decently since I'm thrifty.

Do everything you can thrifty, trip to Europe in your 20s?

When "frugal", "thrifty" and "prudent" became dirty words.

And secondly and more important the song is all about going thrift shopping and being thrifty!

It's not necessarily the wages of the workers, or their thrifty working conditions.

Foxconn's wages are well above the norm in that industry, even if thrifty by American standards.

In fact, I'd say its synonymous with the term "thrifty" which is another positive association for us.

Not much here that hasn't been said, basically be thrifty and don't get sick or have its too late for all the parents out there, no king livin' for you...

This was from good client relationships, an acquisition, some domains I sold, a lucky lotto ticket, and always being thrifty.

The vacation culture of Europe and the leveraged culture of the US are about to lose out to the thrifty workaholics of China.

I'm just expressing surprise at the apparent power draw of a device that conventional wisdom claims is exceedingly thrifty.

A thrifty homeless guy might be able to feed himself for $2, but the cost of a stomach full of soup, bought in bulk and prepared by volunteers, is likely to be considerably less.

The other extreme is that are some folks lead thrifty lives and aren't income sheet affluent by any measure, but because of prudent investing, are easily characterized as balance sheet affluent.

In most provinces, tuition is still expensive enough to be considered an investment, but cheap enough that thrifty living, summer jobs, and a minor scholarship or two can see you through undergrad without debt.

"The vacation culture of Europe and the leveraged culture of the US are about to lose out to the thrifty workaholics of China"Whether the Chinese have a better work ethic than Americans, I don't know.

Interestingly the reason we call it a dustbin is because people were used to being thrifty with their food, especially during the war and post-war years, and almost the only sort of refuse put out for collection was 100% inert dust and the odd animal bone ... people burnt or ate everything else.

I'm gonna pop some tags Only got twenty dollars in my pocket I - I - I'm hunting, looking for a come-up This is f[*]cking awesome He can record a song for close to $0, he can connect with his 1,000+ true fans directly for $0 and when someone torrents his songs he doesn't care because he is so thrifty that an extra $20 when 1 out of 10,000 who listen to his song go to his show he is syked.

Talk to us again in 5 years when you've got some experience under your belt and you find out how woefully unprepared school has left you...Then talk to us in 10 when you figure out that you could have learned all that same knowledge for free, in less time...I graduated from college 34 years ago and I will talk to you now...College is not about getting prepared, learning facts, acquiring things, or being thrifty or efficient in doing so.

Thrifty definitions


careful and diligent in the use of resources


mindful of the future in spending money; "careful with money"

See also: careful