Inert in a sentence as an adjective

I hope they find ways to make it extremely inert in the human body but there's much work to be done.

Halon 1301 is the gas that used to be used which was banned in the 90s. Most inert gas fire suppression systems use HFCs or Ketones now and have a ten minute hold time.

You're now stuck learning in a shallow way, or, in other words, memorizing inert knowledge.

One option is to leave those items in their car. What happens when valets find inert hand-grenades or training knives or whatnot?

Teflon is actually completely inert in your body.

We had the layouts of everything bought in - even 74-series logic which can pretty much be assumed to be inert.

Compare for example the wet cells in the early radar anti-aircraft shells that were inert until fired out of a cannon.

The back of the iPhone is, properly, inert and ambivalent to your modifications.

I'd think if they had a product they'd actually demonstrate it in the video, instead of showing some fakery and then the inert product.

If so, does the ability to restart the mind from an inert brain tell us something important about how thought and consciousness works?

What you are saying is tantamount to blaming someone for being inert when they're depressed, instead of treating it is something that is out of their control to begin with.

For instance, to reduce density it might have been easier to simply reduce pressure and then create a hermetically sealed chamber with a reasonably inert gas with low atomic or molecular mass such as nitrogen.

To quote a great scene from the movie "Waking Life" [1] by Linklater:"When I say 'love', the sound comes out of my mouth and it hits the other person's ear, travels through this byzantine conduit in their brain, you know, through their memories of love, or lack of love, and they register what I'm saying and they say 'Yes, I understand'..but how do I know they understand because words are inert.

Inert definitions


unable to move or resist motion


having only a limited ability to react chemically; chemically inactive; "inert matter"; "an indifferent chemical in a reaction"

See also: indifferent neutral


slow and apathetic; "she was fat and inert"; "a sluggish worker"; "a mind grown torpid in old age"

See also: sluggish soggy torpid